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Two-Month-Old Killed After Showing Signs of Abuse

The Star Tribune is reporting that a two-month-old boy has been killed in his father’s care. The 27-year-old father has been charged with first- and second-degree manslaughter and child endangerment. According to the article, the boy’s mother noticed bruises on the infant, and the charges claim that the injuries were “highly suggestive of nonaccidental trauma”. More coverage of the story can be viewed here:

The attorneys at Storms Dworak have extensive experience recovering compensation for child injury victims and have obtained recoveries in excess of One Million Dollars in matters involving sexual assault, civil rights violations, and medical malpractice. If you believe your child was harmed by the wrongful conduct of another, or if you or a loved one has been the victim of sexual assault, call Storms Dworak at 1.855.BWOLVES for a free consultation.