The Star Tribune is reporting that a driver responsible for transporting inmates with out-of-state warrants to St. Paul jail was accused of raping a woman in his custody at a gas station in Missouri. According to the article, after allowing the inmate to use the bathroom, he led her to the men’s bathroom and raped her. He has been sentenced to 9 years for criminal sexual conduct. The article also states that this incident wasn’t isolated, and that drivers from this particular company have been accused of raping inmates prior to this incident. More coverage of the story can be viewed here:
The attorneys at Storms Dworak have experience successfully representing the victims of sexual assault. Our attorneys have obtained recoveries in excess of One Million Dollars in matters involving sexual assault, civil rights violations, and medical malpractice. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a sexual assault, please contact us to discuss your legal rights at 1.855.BWOLVES